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The National Wallace Monument | Stirling | Scotland | Royaume Uni

The National Wallace Monument

Attraction | Stirling | Scotland | Royaume Uni

Le Monument national Wallace à Stirling, en Écosse, est un remarquable édifice néogothique construit en l'honneur de Sir William Wallace, un important combattant écossais pour la liberté du 13ème siècle. Il est situé sur l'Abbey Craig, une colline où Wallace aurait observé les troupes anglaises avant la bataille du pont de Stirling en 1297.

La construction du monument est le résultat d'une campagne de dons au 19ème siècle, marquée par un regain de conscience nationale écossaise. Les travaux ont commencé en 1861 et après huit ans, l'édifice en grès de 67 mètres de haut a été achevé en 1869. Les coûts de construction s'élevaient alors à 18 000 livres.

Architecture et expositions
Le monument dispose d'un escalier en colimaçon de 246 marches menant à plusieurs niveaux d'exposition. À l'intérieur se trouvent trois galeries :

- Hall of Arms : Cette galerie met en lumière l'histoire de la bataille du pont de Stirling et expose l'épée de Wallace, un artefact impressionnant mesurant 1,63 mètre de long et pesant près de 3 kilogrammes.

- Hall of Heroes : Des bustes de célèbres Écossais y sont exposés, tels que Robert the Bruce, Robert Burns et Adam Smith. En 2017, des femmes telles que Mary Slessor et Maggie Keswick Jencks ont été incluses pour la première fois dans cette galerie d'honneur.

- Crown : Le niveau supérieur offre une plateforme d'observation avec une vue panoramique sur Stirling, les collines d'Ochil et la vallée de Forth.

Le Monument national Wallace n'est pas seulement un symbole architectural, mais aussi un symbole de l'aspiration à l'indépendance de l'Écosse et du souvenir des combats historiques pour la liberté et l'autodétermination. Il attire chaque année de nombreux visiteurs désireux d'en apprendre davantage sur l'histoire de l'Écosse et le rôle de William Wallace.

Une visite du monument offre un aperçu profond de l'histoire et de la culture écossaises, ainsi que la possibilité de profiter de vues impressionnantes sur le paysage environnant.
The National Wallace Monument Stirling




Abbey Craig, Hillfoots Rd
FK9 5LF Stirling

Vue de carte


12036 Avis

jon-paul bradshaw

Spectacular monument that overlooks the surrounding countryside. The fee of £11.30 for me slightly on the expensive side but well worth it. There are three floors for you to explore with 327 steps in total so if you have a problem with stairs like I do, you can take a rest on each floor where you find interesting and informative information about the history, not only of William Wallace, but of other famous Scottish men and women. There is a free shuttle bus to drive you up and down to the monument if you have difficulty walking. Definitely worth a visit if you’re in the area.
Robert Alves

Awesome experience, well worth the stop!
G Doodle

Get those steps in !!!
Holly Pekarovičová

Had a lovely time at the monument during our recent trip to Stirling. I would recommend the walk up to the monument as there were many beautiful wood carvings. We walked from the town over the old bridge to the monument. Inside there were loads pf interesting facts and exibits, I especially liked the sword, and making my own coat of arms. Fantastic views from the top. Very friendly staff. Would definitely recommend.
Mercedes Lanzas Delgado

La subida al monumento desde el aparcamiento es fuerte, pero se hace amena con las pequeñas estatuas, bancos y esculturas que hay a lo largo del camino. Merece la pena muchísimo subir los 250 escalones que tiene la torre. Hay un autobús gratuito que te sube hasta el momento.
Jamie Forbes

Nice place to visit, hard walk, definitely worth it
Tim Peckham

If you get the chance to visit Scotland, this is a must see. William Wallace, made famous to Americans through Mel Gibson’s depiction in Braveheart, is the fire behind revolution against Edward I during the First War of Scottish Independence starting in 1297. This structure can be seen from Stirling Castle, across the valley, and once you actually arrive after a wee climb, the size of the structure is imposing. The only access to the tower is a claustrophobic spiral stone staircase that serves as both an up and down. There are five separate areas to visit, if you wish. At the bottom, the Keeper’s Lodge serves as a resting spot for visitors unable or unwilling to make the climb up the stairs within the monument. The first and last stop on your way through the monument is The Tower Shop where you can buy Scottish gifts, whiskies, books, etc. to remember your adventure. Next floor up is The Hall of Arms which contains Wallace’s sword, a 1.68m long, 3kg weight two-handed sword. Continue up to The Hall of Heroes, a gallery of famous Scottish men and women. The Royal Chamber is the next level up and covers the Battle of Stirling Bridge. If you make it to the top, you get the glorious view from The Crown Spire. From here you can see Stirling Castle off in the distance. The climb to the top is well worth it and this was one of my top five highlights of a visit to Scotland.

This monument is well worth the visit, you will not be disappointed. The monument stands upon a hill where at the bottom there is a car park. There is a shuttle bus service that runs people up and down all day. The architecture is stunning. There is a spiral staircase all the way to the top stopping off at 3 levels on the way. One of the rooms holds the real sword of William Wallace! The Freedom Sword. On one floor there is an interactive ‘create your own shield’ and once you’ve designed it you can get a picture with it. On another floor are the busts of some of Scotland’s most famous historical figures. Once you summit the tower the view is panoramic of the surrounding area and you can see Stirling Castle in the distance.
Emanuel Flecken

Wow what a building unfortunate for us it was a lot of mist surrounding the site so we decided not to go inside this time
STRAM Machines Spéciales et Mécanique de Précision (STRAM)

Grandiose et très émouvant
G Santana

Must visit if you’re going to stirling castle … having car more comfortable
Enrico Balestra

Un'esperienza stupenda e veramente inaspettata. Il biglietto vale tutto il suo prezzo, è davvero bello salire la torre piano per piano e vedere tutto il museo con la storia di Wallace. E poi c'è la sua spada, un'emozione unica. Ma la cosa migliore è la fantastica vista di cui potrete godere una volta arrivati in cima. Dopo aver visto tutto il museo e i video esplicativi, riuscite a visualizzare alla perfezione la dinamica della battaglia di Stirling nell'ansa del fiume. Davvero stupendo.
Javier Granados

Impresionante torreón visible desde todas las partes de la ciudad. Recomiendo hacerle la foto desde el castillo cogiendo parte de la ciudad y el río.
Michael Hood-Leeder

Stunning. A great man to. Very inspiring.
African Scot

Shuttle bus up to the monument does not allow dogs onboard
Mak Atak1967

Great tourist spot
B St

Currently closed for repairs but still picture worthy
Graham Cram

not bad
Mari Feli Landaburu García

Precioso lugar si te gusta la historia de Escocia. Tienes un autobus lanzadera desde el parking de coches que te sube hasta el monumento y no lo querés hacer andando, ya que es bastaba pendiente, está lanzadera es gratis. La vista desde arriba de Stirling y alrededores es maravillosa.
Jean Kelly

If you have mobility issues you may not be able to get up to even see the ground floor exhibition as there is a shuttle service up to the monument, but I stood for an hour and none came. They didn't have any information on the shuttle at the gift shop as the monument management is now done by the council. They thought perhaps there were no drivers available but couldn't say for sure. I sent the rest of the party to enjoy it and waited in the coffee shop for them. It was disappointing as my guests were from overseas and I couldn't join them. My guests said the walk was steep.
Priscilla Von Sorella

Could not recommend this enough. Such a great experience and spectacular view. Also a very cute cafe and excellent gift shop. The stairs can be a bit overwhelming — be prepared for a steep spiral narrow climb.


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